Are you wondering

When does one need to speak to a professional therapist?


Sometimes you feel lonely, even with loved ones surrounding you, so much so that you can’t understand it. You might feel down, stressed, and anxious because of something traumatic that had happened to you; but sometimes you feel all these feelings even if nothing substantially happened.


Your relationship with friends, colleagues or your children or life partner might be in dire straits. Sometimes we plainly just struggle with the question of what the purpose of life is. You might plainly feel “nobody understands me”. Some people feel trapped in their minds or bodies and need to discuss that and open their hearts. We sometimes feel the strong need to grow emotionally and for our minds to be challenged and stimulated. Others have bigger challenges where it feels as if your whole life is coming apart. You might have deep secrets, really making your existence torture and might find it valuable to trust a psychotherapist to let it all out in a safe, confidential environment.


Some people might be diagnosed with a physical illness or experience specific mental challenges; these are strong indicators for professional help.


Your children might be acting out at school or home or both and you desperately want it solved.
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About Me

I am a registered Clinical Psychologist since 1987

I have vast experience in individual therapy, therapy with families, adolescents, children, couples, and general work related and interpersonal challenges. I am also extremely passionate about hypnotherapy and group therapy. Qualifications B.A,(Soc Sc)B.A (Hons),M.A(Clin Psych) Cum Laude

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It might be time in life to assert yourself more effectively, especially with challenges in your marriage, love relationship, or in general.

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